
Hospital and community case management for healthcare professionals

First-level Post-Graduate Programme 

Course start date
End of March 2025
13 months
Credits (CFU)
Attendance mode
Live online sessions (synchronous)
Available places
€ 2.516,00

Course start date

End of March 2025


13 months



Credits (CFU)


Available places


Attendance mode

Live online sessions (synchronous)


€ 2.516,00


The Post-Graduate Programme in Hospital and Community Case Management for Healthcare Professionals is an advanced course designed to equip professionals with specialised skills in clinical care, focusing on disease prevention, management, organisation, education, and rehabilitation.

Upon completion, Case Care Managers will be capable of providing comprehensive patient care and managing clinical-care pathways, fostering family involvement, and facilitating integration between hospital and community settings within a multidisciplinary framework.

The course aims to develop:

  • Tools for enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of clinical-care procedures in both hospital and community contexts.
  • Communication skills to establish and sustain constructive relationships with patients, caregivers, and multidisciplinary team members.
  • Methodological research skills to promote evidence-based practice and contribute to knowledge creation.


The programme employs thematic units delivered through interactive theoretical lessons, workshops, seminars, and group work. Key topics include:

  • Effective methodologies for client and family care.
  • Qualitative and quantitative tools for patient assessment.
  • Competencies required for case/care management.
  • Diagnostic, therapeutic, assistive, and rehabilitative pathways for elderly, adult, paediatric, chronic, or disabled patients.
  • Continuity of care between hospital and community.
  • Methodology for developing care pathways (PDTA).
  • Territorial care networks and services.
  • Healthcare organisation and innovative organisational models.
  • Teamwork and interprofessional collaboration.
  • Communication tools for healthcare professionals.
  • Ethical and legal decision-making in care.
  • Applied research.

Internships are conducted in research institutions, universities, and IRCCS (Scientific Institutes for Research, Hospitalisation, and Healthcare). Participants will work under the guidance of researchers and actively engage in research projects.

The final exam requires participants to develop a research project (Project Work) on a topic relevant to the Master’s programme. This research project will form the basis of the final thesis, which will be defended under the supervision of an experienced tutor.

Attendance mode

1. Lessons are delivered synchronously online, with occasional in-person meetings that can also be attended remotely.

2. A minimum of 75% attendance in online activities and 100% completion of internship hours is mandatory.

3. Classes are held two days a week (Mondays and Tuesdays) every other week, excluding summer and Christmas breaks.

Lessons are delivered synchronously online, with occasional in-person meetings that can also be attended remotely.

A minimum of 75% attendance in online activities and 100% completion of internship hours is mandatory.

Classes are held two days a week (Mondays and Tuesdays) every other week, excluding summer and Christmas breaks.

Attendance mode

Applicants must possess one of the following by the application deadline:

  1. A Bachelor’s degree in healthcare or social professions.
  2. Diplomas obtained under previous regulations for healthcare professionals (DM 509/99 and relevant laws), deemed valid for access to Master’s programmes, provided the candidate also holds a five-year high school diploma from Italy or equivalent international qualifications (minimum of 12 years of schooling).
  3. Other second-level degrees may be considered by the admissions committee.

A maximum of 5 auditors is permitted. For more details, refer to the admission notice.

€ 2.516,00

Programme Cost: €2,516.00, payable in two instalments:

  • First instalment: €1,516.00 upon enrolment.
  • Second instalment: €1,000.00 by June 30, 2025.

Fee for Auditors: €2,000.00 (inclusive of legally required stamp duties).

Entry requirements

Applicants must possess one of the following by the application deadline:

  1. A Bachelor’s degree in healthcare or social professions.
  2. Diplomas obtained under previous regulations for healthcare professionals (DM 509/99 and relevant laws), deemed valid for access to Master’s programmes, provided the candidate also holds a five-year high school diploma from Italy or equivalent international qualifications (minimum of 12 years of schooling).
  3. Other second-level degrees may be considered by the admissions committee.

A maximum of 5 auditors is permitted. For more details, refer to the admission notice.

€ 2.516,00

Programme Cost: €2,516.00, payable in two instalments:

  • First instalment: €1,516.00 upon enrolment.
  • Second instalment: €1,000.00 by June 30, 2025.

Fee for Auditors: €2,000.00 (inclusive of legally required stamp duties).

Requisiti di accesso

L’ammissione al Corso è subordinata al possesso, alla data di scadenza del bando, di uno dei seguenti titoli di studio:

1:Laurea triennale delle professioni sanitarie e sociali

2:Diplomi conseguiti in base alla normativa precedente degli appartenenti alle professioni sanitarie di cui al DM 509/99 e di cui alle Leggi 26 febbraio 1999 n. 42 e 10 agosto 2000 n. 251, ritenuti validi, ai sensi dell’art. 10 della Legge 8 gennaio 2002 n 1, per l’accesso ai Master ed agli altri Corsi attivati dall’Università, purché in possesso del Diploma di maturità quinquennale conseguito in Italia o, per titolo conseguito all’estero, dopo almeno 12 anni di scolarità.

L’eventuale ammissione di candidati in possesso di altre lauree di secondo livello avverrà previa valutazione da parte della commissione valutatrice.

Per ulteriori dettagli consultare il bando di ammissione.

Sono previsti un numero massimo di 5 uditori.

€ 2.516,00

Il costo del Master è di € 2.516,00, ed è previsto che sia rateizzato in 2 tranche. La prima da €1.516,00, deve essere saldata all’atto dell’immatricolazione. La seconda rata da € 1.000,00 è da saldare entro il 30 giugno 2025.

Contributo per uditori: 2.000,00 (l’importo è comprensivo dei bolli previsti per legge)

Do you need more information?

Feel free to reach out to us for any information or support you may require. We’re here to help!

Email: master.healthcare@unipr.it

Or fill out the form below! We will get back to you as soon as possible!

    (Required) I have read the privacy policy and I consent to the processing of my data.

    Do you need more information?

    Feel free to reach out to us for any information or support you may require. We’re here to help!

    Email: master.healthcare@unipr.it

    Or fill out the form below! We will get back to you as soon as possible!

      (Required) I have read the privacy policy and I consent to the processing of my data.

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